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Current Time In Tehran Iran

Time Difference Between Tehran and Germany

Current Time in Tehran, Iran

As of the time of writing, the current time in Tehran, Iran, is 12:03 AM on March 6, 2023.

Tehran is currently 1 hour ahead of the time in Germany.

About Iran Standard Time (IRST)

Iran observes Iran Standard Time (IRST) throughout the year. IRST is 3 hours and 30 minutes ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

The IANA time zone identifier for Tehran is Asia/Tehran.

Current Local Time in Tehran, Iran

The following table shows the current local time in Tehran, Iran, in various formats:

| Format | Time | |---|---| | 12-hour clock | 12:03 AM | | 24-hour clock | 00:03 | | Unix timestamp | 1646553383 |

What Day is it in Tehran Right Now?

As of the time of writing, it is Monday, March 6, 2023, in Tehran, Iran.


The time difference between Tehran, Iran, and Germany is 1 hour, with Tehran being 1 hour ahead. It is important to be aware of this time difference when planning travel or communication between the two countries.
