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Current Sources Understanding Types And Their Applications

Current Sources: Understanding Types and Their Applications

Constant Voltage Sources

Constant voltage sources maintain a consistent output voltage regardless of the connected load. They follow the formula: Uo = I * (Ri + RL), where Uo is the output voltage, I is the current, Ri is the internal resistance, and RL is the load resistance.

Constant Current Sources

Types and Applications

Constant current sources supply a constant current independent of the load's resistance. They are categorized into:

  • Current Regulators: Maintain a specific current through a varying load.
  • Current Limiters: Prevent current from exceeding a set limit.
  • Current Sinks: Absorb a constant current from a source.

Constant Current Diodes

Constant current diodes (CCDs) are semiconductor devices that provide a constant current over a range of input voltages. They are vital components in applications such as:

  • LED lighting
  • Battery charging
  • Measuring instruments
